It’s that the time of the year again! Time to shop for gifts, to go out-of-town for a much-awaited vacation and to indulge in gastronomic dishes served only once a year. This busy season also gives you an excuse to slack off your fitness routine, and you know it. Truthfully, these sudden ‘routine shifts’ may have a huge impact on your fitness progress. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay fit on holiday breaks! You can get the best of both worlds–staying fit and feasting like royalty.
Tip #1: Stay Active, Keep Moving
Though most of us plan to relax and take a week off work, you must keep in mind that sitting on the couch all day long is definitely a ‘no-no’. “Vacation” doesn’t necessarily mean taking a break from your fitness habit. Actually, you can unwind by performing interesting physical activities, like jogging in the morning with friends or have a bowling party with your family. Anything that will keep you moving and sweating a bit will surely suffice.
Tip #2: Hydrate And Keep Track Of Your Food Intake
A lot of ‘temptations’ will be served during this season, and there’s no way that you can avoid them except for indulging, but in controlled amounts. Take small portions and stick to them, even if you are not that full yet. A good way to cheat is to drink lots of water. This technique will not only prevent you from overeating, but will also keep you hydrated.
Tip #3: Keep In Mind That It’s Only For The Season
Avoid allowing the ‘holiday treats’ to become staples in your usual diet. It’s good that you have feasted on such delectable food items, but make sure that you drop the junk after the festivities. Don’t let them linger in your pantry, as you may get tempted to take some more and get hooked.
Tip #4: Workout At Home
Since you no longer have enough time to visit the gym, make sure you plan your quick workouts at home. All you need to have is reliable equipment that will help you with your routine. You may secure free weights or opt for resistance bands, whichever convenient for your lifestyle, fitness goals and budget. Just don’t forget to take some snaps and share your holiday workout selfies!
Easy to remember, aren’t they? Hope you are having an awesome holiday with your friends and family! Remember the reason why we celebrate the season, and always stay fit regardless of the sumptuous feast!
What’s Next?
- Feeling like your gym sesh are a bit too much? Find out if you’re over-exercising.
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