This stretch & meditate sample video has total body yoga poses for improved mindset! Get the full video on our BURN workout program here – | Subscribe to the channel –
Want 28 minute videos for stretching, flexibility, meditation, and MORE every week?? My BURN fitness calendar has these exclusive routines each Sunday!
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Welcome to the world of Rebecca-Louise and Sir Alphie We make workout videos to get people loving exercise, to feel comfortable in their skin and to have fun! #ICanFeelTheBurnRebecca and see the whole globe working out at home with us. Your mindset is the most important when it comes to belief in life. Our motivation and life videos will start any day on the right foot. If you like sarcasm, humor and like to laugh you will fall in love with the vlogs.. this gives you areal insight in what goes on behind the scenes! Enjoy! Love Rebecca & Alphie
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