We are all human and many of us have fantasies about how we should look. When these fantasies are unrealistic they can make us feel really unhappy about our appearance. It really doesn’t matter whether you are a top model or a farmer these fantasies can and do affect us all and can make us really miserable.

And we all know that the media doesn’t help either!

To address these feelings I have put together a three step system, which will make you feel much better about yourself.

I promise.

Here goes:

1. Identify what specifically you are unhappy about with regard to your body and appearance. Try to be as specific as possible. Aim for 10-20 things.
2. Try to image a time in the future where your body and appearance is exactly how you want it to be. Now try to think of as many drawback as you can to having this fantasy appearance. This is going to be hard as you are challenging your own fantasy, but trust me your fantasy won’t be as amazing as you think it will be. You should aim for between 10-20.
4. Finally, you need to write down all the things that you love about your body exactly how it is. You should aim for 40-50 things, more if you have time. For example, I have amazing sparkly green eyes. Once you are happy with this list type it up, print it up and stick it somewhere you will see it every day.

This exercise should deflate your fantasy and help you to appreciate exactly how you are today – gorgeous. We are all incredible in our own way.

Let use know how you got on.